Friday, July 23, 2010

“God…has established one sole order composed of two parts: nature, exalted by grace, and grace vivifying nature. He has not confused these two orders, but he has coordinated them. One force alone is the model, and one thing alone the motivating principle and ultimate end of divine Creation: Christ….All the rest is subordinated to Him. The goal of human existence is to form the Mystical Body of Christ, of this Head of the elect, of this eternal Priest, of this King of the immortal Kingdom, and of the society of those who will eternally glorify God.” (La Civiltà Cattolica, VI, i, 1865, 287-288)
Louis Veuillot had argued that the blindfold fixed by the Revolution upon the eyes of western man would probably only be removed by “the mutilated hands of martyrs”...Let it suffice to mention now that a lack of intelligence, a failure of imagination, and a simple ill will led Liberal Catholics of the 1850’s and 1860’s persistently to distort and thwart promotion of the exalted visions urged upon Christians by the counterrevolutionaries. Liberal Catholics outrightly refused to read Taparelli’s works, even when he personally begged them to point out where they thought he had erred. They labeled the patristic doctrine of divinization as being pantheistic, and the related concept of the Whole Christ as idolatry. Any notion of nature as dominated by Christ the King was excoriated as theocratic. Liberal Catholics, like liberal non-Catholics, invoked the power of the State to silence Veuillot, Taparelli, and those who agreed with them..."

from Dr. John Rao

1 comment:

  1. {In 1825, he became convinced that the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas needed to be revived, thinking that the subjective philosophy of René Descartes leads to dramatic errors in morality and politics. He reasoned that whereas different opinions on the natural sciences have no effect on nature, unclear metaphysical ideas about humanity and society can lead to social chaos.
    The Catholic Church had not yet developed a clear philosophical view regarding the great social changes that were appearing in the early nineteenth century in Europe, which led to much confusion among the Church hierarchy and laity. In response to this problem, Taparelli applied the methods of Thomism to these social problems in a coherent manner.}

    Most interesting!

    {His major ideas include sociality and subsidiarity. He viewed society as not a monolithic group of individuals, but of various levels of sub-societies, with individuals being members of these. Each level of society has both rights and duties which should be recognized and supported. All levels of society should cooperate rationally and not resort to competition and conflict.}

    This is my exact political vision since I was a child! (Well actually also before that, as, I am who I am, prenatally.)

    {...even when he personally begged them to point out where they thought he had erred.}

    This! So common. Reminds me of a certain blog, which while having the slogan "Vincit omnia Veritas", shies away from logical discussions, even while it makes rhetorical claims beyond count.
