Friday, July 30, 2010


It's always useful to ponder, what if? Here is one of the oldest churches in England. Tradition can be viewed, not merely as calcified accretion (with a life/death all of its own) but as the product of human choice - That which endures is that which we choose and re-choose, and choose again. That which is sustained, and sustains over time, nourishing with a life blood that connects us to the past and the future. There is no "Tradition" which needs to die, is outmoded, etc. etc. Tradition exists because the sacred dead exist. God is a God, not of the dead, but of the living. This is more true than the "postmoderns" realize. Tradition exists because our life is not our own, and also because it is our own. There is no war between Fate and Love, Tradition and Life, etc., etc. Here, all is One.

(Photo from Blog, Cotswold Peeps)

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