The Revolution ultimately rejected the old ideals …but because of its negative character it could not provide new ones; it liberated individual elements, gave them an absolute significance, but deprived their activity of its essential foundation and nourishment. For this reason we see that the excessive development of individualism in the contemporary West leads directly to its opposite — a universal depersonalization and vulgarization.Source
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Throne & Altar
This is the content, then, of the Old Right: Throne and Altar, as it is often put, were the unifying factors in social life. The Revolution rejected that basis, but, as a purely negative movement, it had nothing to replace the old ideals. Solovyov explains:
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Let’s remember that a stereotype is more or less synonymous with what psychologists call a ’schema’, which is a pattern arising in the mind to make simple, habitual connections. Stereotypes, it is said, are often based on at least something observable. The Left’s stereotypes of raving white racists and other ‘white devils’ are not.
What the World Needs - Bring Back the Middle Ages, Part II
- Great princes
- Strong Warriors
- God-inspired priests
- Singers with eloquent tongues
- Bright eyed cosmologists
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Spengler Attacks Dostoevsky - It was only a matter of time...
I am not sure what compels the modern Jew to rehearse the downfall of Europe in such a negative cast of light. This is certainly a part of the truth, but it is always presented as "the full orbed Gospel of Yahweh".
Dante was a profoundly mystical writer who was communicating esoteric truth through art.
This is so far from the fact that I am astonished that Spengler can keep saying it. America was certainly "propositioned" by somebody, and we by and large have gone for it, and continue to repeat it, hoping that this will save our tawdry love affair.
I am not sure what compels the modern Jew to rehearse the downfall of Europe in such a negative cast of light. This is certainly a part of the truth, but it is always presented as "the full orbed Gospel of Yahweh".
One popular comedian argues that it must be dreadful to spend eternity in heaven. No matter how wonderful it might be at first, eventually you're bound to get used to it and end up bored to death. By the same reasoning, one would shrug off the torments of hell over time, and the experience would be the same as heaven. Truth told, Dante's account of the saints contemplating the Godhead in the "Paradiso" section of Dante's Divine Comedy always bored me, without having to wait for too much of eternity to tick by.
Dante was a profoundly mystical writer who was communicating esoteric truth through art.
America's founders also envisioned a new chosen people in a new promised land - Lincoln's "almost-chosen people", and (as Eric Nelson reports in his 2010 book The Hebrew Republic) drew extensively on post-biblical rabbinic sources as well as the Hebrew Scriptures. What distinguishes America from the failed nations of Europe is the absence of ethnicity: because we are founded on a proposition rather than a race, language or common history, America is immune to the tribal idolatry that ruined Europe.
This is so far from the fact that I am astonished that Spengler can keep saying it. America was certainly "propositioned" by somebody, and we by and large have gone for it, and continue to repeat it, hoping that this will save our tawdry love affair.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Back to the Middle Ages, Please
I would like to note, in addition to the above, that the Middle Ages are defensible from an economic, political, and cultural point of view also, not "merely" the primary spiritual one. All of society functions (if it functions at all) as an analogy of Being - the body exists because of the soul, the soul, because of the spirit, spirit because of angels, angels because of God. Interactions between men exist because deep heaven has communion, correspondences, and co-inherences. Therefore, politics is not neutral or indifferent. The fact that modern men like to wet-dream about the Middle Ages being "Fascist" or "Totalitarian" is utterly beside the point - such a point of view deliberately ignores historical evidence in ancient, medieval, and modern periods. Comprehension (as they say) is deliberately avoided. "Theocracy" is not only desirable, but inevitable (see this on how the modern period gets away with it). Theocracy or Mediocracy. You can choose, and you'll eventually come around to Theocracy, it's just a question of whether you want to "suffer into Truth" or use your Reason.
I would like to note, in addition to the above, that the Middle Ages are defensible from an economic, political, and cultural point of view also, not "merely" the primary spiritual one. All of society functions (if it functions at all) as an analogy of Being - the body exists because of the soul, the soul, because of the spirit, spirit because of angels, angels because of God. Interactions between men exist because deep heaven has communion, correspondences, and co-inherences. Therefore, politics is not neutral or indifferent. The fact that modern men like to wet-dream about the Middle Ages being "Fascist" or "Totalitarian" is utterly beside the point - such a point of view deliberately ignores historical evidence in ancient, medieval, and modern periods. Comprehension (as they say) is deliberately avoided. "Theocracy" is not only desirable, but inevitable (see this on how the modern period gets away with it). Theocracy or Mediocracy. You can choose, and you'll eventually come around to Theocracy, it's just a question of whether you want to "suffer into Truth" or use your Reason.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Dealing the Death Blow to Liberalism?
I must confess to a secret fantasy of writing the "perfect" refutation of secular liberalism. In truth, this is a confession, for there is no refutation of that which is a perfect shadow, for secular liberalism is precisely that, a vain shadow. Notwithstanding this, it has grown more powerful & convincing in its narrative every day, so that "even the elect may be deceived". One is reminded of the Tibetan practice of creating mental phantasms and enduing them with spiritual energy until a demon/god/ghost is created; in the words of Culianu (an apologist for the perfect secular magic), it risks becoming a "sorcerer state" which rules the population through "soft totalitarianism" and the projection of fantastical wishes which cannot be fulfilled. One cannot fight this enemy with the violence of counter-revolution; not only does God warn us against such ("those who live by the sword, die by the sword"), but one cannot fight what one is a part of, and every Protestant Anglo-Saxon still left in America is part and parcel of the New World Order, which came, not with a political mandate from the melancholy gods of Progressivism (who are losing legitimacy by the day, even in their own eyes), but in the abandonment of Tradition and Culture which accompanied the exaltation of Sola Scriptura. To fight this, one has to begin the Long Abandonment, which will take a long, long time, for not only must I disentangle my own thoughts from Protestant rationalism, I must also conserve within myself that which is manly and that which is worth saving. I must fear God, and honor the Once-and-future-King, and I must forever abandon any hope that democracy (despite Walter Russell Meade's attempt to make it look glorious all over again) will do anything but promote the wrack and ruin of those souls which I know and hold dear, in my family, my friends, and those I encounter in the world.
There is more to come, some in the way of how to "see through the illusion" of Progressive Modernism, not by fighting the demon, but by annihilating it in the light of a greater Truth.
We must "see through the illusion, and into the Dream". It is dangerous and dark, and that has the makings of a quest.
There is more to come, some in the way of how to "see through the illusion" of Progressive Modernism, not by fighting the demon, but by annihilating it in the light of a greater Truth.
We must "see through the illusion, and into the Dream". It is dangerous and dark, and that has the makings of a quest.
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Queen of Heaven & the Holy Roman Emperor
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dark Ages A'Comin' & No Middle Age
The author here seems to think that we are in a period of transition & chaos, of the kind which saw the rise of city-states and feudal connections. What is left out is any sense that we are entering this at the END of a long period of consumption, rather than attempting to harness resources with limited technology. Remember, this was during a time period in which parts of North Africa were still "green". On the contrary, today, we are living with far more people, people with more technology, but a technology in decline, and with people who are far less adaptable personally and morally to the conditions of a Dark Age. And is it a "Dark Age" or a "Middle Age" that is coming? I'd prefer a "Middle Age", preferably. The author cheerfully elides the coming suffering & decline by proclaiming a new era, something that our elite has grown rather good at doing these days. A better analysis is found here.
The author here seems to think that we are in a period of transition & chaos, of the kind which saw the rise of city-states and feudal connections. What is left out is any sense that we are entering this at the END of a long period of consumption, rather than attempting to harness resources with limited technology. Remember, this was during a time period in which parts of North Africa were still "green". On the contrary, today, we are living with far more people, people with more technology, but a technology in decline, and with people who are far less adaptable personally and morally to the conditions of a Dark Age. And is it a "Dark Age" or a "Middle Age" that is coming? I'd prefer a "Middle Age", preferably. The author cheerfully elides the coming suffering & decline by proclaiming a new era, something that our elite has grown rather good at doing these days. A better analysis is found here.
And the repeated predictions that the situation can’t go on? I’ve come to think that what motivates such predictions, and gives them their present popularity, is the growing sense of apprehension that it can go on—that the troubles currently pressing in on the industrial world could just keep on getting worse, day after day, year after year, for decades to come, following the same gradual curve that the industrial world followed in the days of its growth, but in reverse: descending into impoverishment and relocalization along some broad equivalent of the same bumpy course that brought the ascent to prosperity and global integration back in the day.
When you think about it—and in the back of their minds, I suspect, most people have thought about it—that’s really a terrifying prospect. What makes it most unnerving is that it’s not simply a matter of, say, having your standard of living ratchet down by five per cent every year, though there will be a fair amount of that. It’s far more a matter of never knowing when your number’s going to come up and land you out of work, out of money and out on the street, next to the others who landed there before you. How much of the popular sport of blaming the poor for their poverty, I wonder, and how much of the current pseudoconservative fad of insisting that the poor aren’t actually poor, comes from people who are desperately trying to convince themselves that their jobs are irreplaceable, their retirement funds secure, and the sudden dizzying fall into the ranks of the impoverished can’t possibly happen to them?
Pusillanimity, a virtually obsolete word, is the name of a heresy rampant in the world today. Most people have never heard of it, but it has some important thought elements which make it useful in pursuing the spiritual life. Therefore, Orthodox Christians should consider it carefully. Pusillanimity denotes spiritual cowardice, lack of “manly” strength, spiritual inertia, a certain diminution of faith and trust in God.
F. John Bockman
Monday, January 9, 2012
Capitalism, in Capital Style & Letters, By Any Other Name
Capitalism, as practiced in the real world, goes far beyond the private ownership of productive capital. Capitalism as it actually exists includes different forms of corporate ownership, different forms of investment and financing schemes, interest, the acceptance of greed as an objective good, usury, using capital for profit, using capital to prevent competitors from making profit, monopoly, free trade, involvement of the highest levels of government, and a utilitarian view of the worker....Richard Aleman : “Distributism is just like Capitalism, except that we differ on the nature of man, the purpose of economic activity, usury, the maximization of token wealth, the role and legitimate exercise of the state, empirical economics, the meaning of subsidiarity, subordination of economics to the higher sciences, our ends, our means, what money is, what wealth is, what a free market is, production and consumption, regulation, free trade, the moral and divine law in the social and economic order, and, yes, what liberty means.”
Saturday, January 7, 2012
European Christianity
“And the importance of these centuries of which I have been writing is not to be found in the external order they created or attempted to create, but in the internal change they brought about in the soul of Western man – a change which can never be entirely undone except by the total negation or destruction of Western man himself.”
Christopher Dawson
Christopher Dawson
White Boys, Black Gods.
Film review, by Nowicki. Too bad for the typical modern football fan.
"Big Fan" is a powerfully honest look at an all-too-common specimen of modern-day white Western man, who is full of what W.B. Yeats called "passionate intensity" yet lacks any significant sense of rootedness in a meaningful and sustenance-giving tradition. Instead of dedicating himself to a transcendent faith and cleaving tightly to the wisdom of his ancestors, Paul Aufiero lives for nothing but his paltry appetite. He works a crap job, masturbates to Playboy magazine, obsessively "root-root-roots" for the home team, and generally sees no problem with being just the way he is. To be fair, Paul is not without some worthwhile qualities: he possesses heart, guts, and at least some degree of intelligence, but seemingly he has no intention ever to mature past the emotional state of a 12-year old.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Malcolm Muggeridge on the Pleasant Things of Life
"They say, moreover, that when it's a question of choosing whether to save your soul or your body, the man who chooses to save his soul gathers strength thereby to go on living, whereas the man who chooses to save his body at the expense of his soul loses both body and soul...You know, it's a funny thing, but when you're old, as I am, there are all sorts of extremely pleasant things that happen to you. One of them is, you realize that history is nonsense, but I won't go into that now. The pleasantest thing of all is that you wake up in the night at about, say, three a.m., and you find that you are half in and half out of your battered old carcass. And it seems quite a toss-up whether you go back and resume full occupancy of your mortal body, or make off toward the bright glow you see in the sky, the lights of the City of God. In this limbo between life and death, you know beyond any shadow of doubt that, as an infinitesimal particle of God's creation, you are a participant in God's purpose for His creation, and that that purpose is loving and not hating, is creative and not destructive, is everlasting and not temporal, is universal and not particular. With this certainty comes an extraordinary sense of comfort and joy.
Nothing that happens in this world need shake that feeling; all the happenings in this world, including the most terrible disasters and suffering, will be seen in eternity as in some mysterious way a blessing, as a part of God's love. We ourselves are part of that love, we belong to that scene, and only in so far as we belong to that scene does our existence here have any reality or any worth. All the rest is fantasy - -whether the fantasy of power which we see in the authoritarian states around us, or the fantasy of the great liberal death wish in terms of affluence and self-indulgence. The essential feature, and necessity of life is to know reality, which means knowing God. Otherwise our mortal existence is, as Saint Teresa of Avila said, no more than a night in a second--class hotel."
Nothing that happens in this world need shake that feeling; all the happenings in this world, including the most terrible disasters and suffering, will be seen in eternity as in some mysterious way a blessing, as a part of God's love. We ourselves are part of that love, we belong to that scene, and only in so far as we belong to that scene does our existence here have any reality or any worth. All the rest is fantasy - -whether the fantasy of power which we see in the authoritarian states around us, or the fantasy of the great liberal death wish in terms of affluence and self-indulgence. The essential feature, and necessity of life is to know reality, which means knowing God. Otherwise our mortal existence is, as Saint Teresa of Avila said, no more than a night in a second--class hotel."
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Solfeggio Frequencies, Pythagoras

From the ancient hymn to St. John the Baptist. Our modern scale is displaced from 432 Hertz to 440, thanks to the influence of certain individuals between 1850-1950 (I'll leave the research to the reader). "The music of the spheres" is no idle dream of Boethius, but a reality.
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
Destiny & the Roots of It
Sigurd F. Olson (1899-1982), Listening Point (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983), pp. 116-117:
There are many places where people have lived long enough to have sunk their roots deeply, who somehow have absorbed the character of the country they have chosen. I know parts of New England where the people are as native as the partridge in their upland pastures, places in the south where people have the feel of whippoorwills and mockingbirds and magnolias in their blood, and in the Source west where mountain ranges and purple vistas are a part of their lives. Wherever you go, you will find them, but most always away from the arterials and big towns, in the back country, where they are still living close to the land. Theirs is a certain contentment with things as they are, a perspective that comes only with living in one place a long time, and a loyalty to the old ways that fights change and modernization.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Tolkien and Primordialism
This is a connection I was not surprised to learn of, & had speculated
whether it could exist, but was unsure of where to look for it. J. Godwin
appears to have outdone himself, here. Each manvantara is divided in the Purāṇic system into four Ages: the Kṛtā, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali Yugas. The Greeks used the more evocative epithets of the Golden, Silver, Brass, and Iron Ages. Both mythologies relate that the sanctity and pleasantness of the Earth and its inhabitants are at their height during a Golden Age, after which they decline with accelerating rapidity until
the Iron Age, shortest and most wretched of all, during which human life,
correspondingly abbreviated, is beset by wars, plagues, famines, and all the
disasters that impiety brings upon the planet. Then at the very darkest hour
comes the Apocatastasis and the Age of Gold returns once more. Tolkien’s Ages each witness the growth of evil, leading to a bloody confrontation, after which a season of peace and plenty ensues. The closing chapters of The Lord of the Rings certainly seem to usher in a new Golden Age. But of course evil is never vanquished for ever: these cataclysms mark the periodic resolutions of discord into temporary concord. Only at the end of the manvantara will all conflict cease, but how and when this will be, not even the Ainur can tell.
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