Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dante and Sex

From One Cosmos. The truth will soon out. No one can possibly exist for long, spiritually or physically, under the new regime of sexual conformity, which hates le differance.

I. Kant

The Problem of Modern Morality
Filed under: Christianity — by VisionsOfGlory14 @ 19:56
In a given metaphysical order, the moral and ethical precepts required of that order have a specific place in the hierarchal obligations of that system. These moral obligations function as boons to metaphysical completion in a given being. The rites in Catholicism and Mahayana Buddhism designed to achieve the purification from sin and the attainment of merit are perhaps the most explicit forms of this, and here, the moral elements of the rites are clearly put in service of the need to achieve a specific metaphysical aim: the attainment of Heaven or deliverance. When serving its proper function, morality meets its desired end.

When the sense of metaphysical reality is lost, the proper place for morality in metaphysical relation is lost as well. This is seen most explicitly in the modern world. Where morality ceases to serve its higher principle, it becomes abstract, loses its positive world-forming function, and has a deleterious effect on the virile functioning of the person. Made individual, morality loses its demonstrable value; there is no longer an effective basis for spreading its fruits.

Kantianism’s tyrannizing effect is both empirically seen among its practitioners and philosophically understood once one realizes the reality of the multiple states of the being. While claiming to give the individual the right to determine his own unique moral values, it actually subjects being to a series of rules that have only an illusory material value and no real collective spiritual significance. When put into full effect, the practice has only a limiting effect on the being’s potential and creates an impossibility for the individual to even imagine the existence of higher horizons.

Once the mistake of Western Philosophy is realized, that being is not the core of the individual and that this is obvious since its conscious and unconscious alteration is not only possible but continuously accomplished, both the allure of Kant’s philosophy and the illusion of its actualization are dispelled. Once realized, one understands that there cannot be a ‘moral basis for civilization,’ much less a universal brotherhood based on ‘common moral principles.’ Such bonds have a higher basis.

The initial reaction in the West to the sense of being’s loss as the center of the individual has been Nihilism and the claim of becoming as the only determinant. But it is not that being has no existence, only that it is conditioned and changeable by a spirit more transcendent. Similarly, morality is conditioned by being and is not the conditioner. This reversal has led to something of a denial of reality by claimants who do not understood that morality can be error or even downright immoral when its True awareness of the spirit and the ability to create moral order are only possible when this is known.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Politically Correct & the Venus of Willendorf

See the entire article here. I haven't posted the actual figure of Venus of Willendorf, because it is (frankly) distasteful. In the Thirteenth Warrior, there is an actual man-eating monster-cult underground which the Viking adventurers have to defeat in order to prove their manhood. But being men already, they have nothing to prove to themselves. Naturally, however, their enemies are very matriarchal. This article does a great job explaining the mechanics behind "diversity"; it is a psychological compulsion of the most grotesque kind, and its "true believers" deserve not pity but anger, since they are "invincibly ignorant" but in the debased way that makes them culpably so. "Diversity" doesn't mean more Icelanders or Navajoes, for instance, but more Africans and Hispanics, of whom we have quite enough already. It doesn't mean individuality, but conformity and uniformity, within the constituted interested voting blocs. Above all, it means hatred of old Europe, the Father. Finally, the "conservatives" are beginning to get to the roots of the modern malaise (although they've got a long way to go). I wonder who is telling them, and why it took so long?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Sleep of Death

Then, in one moment, she put forth the charm
Of woven paces and of waving hands,
And in the hollow oak he lay as dead,
And lost to life and use and name and fame.

--Idylls of the King

Saturday, February 19, 2011


"Ka Mate" Leader: Ringa pakia! Slap the hands against the thighs!
Uma tiraha! Puff out the chest.
Turi whatia! Bend the knees!
Hope whai ake! Let the hip follow!
Waewae takahia kia kino! Stomp the feet as hard as you can!

Leader: Ka mate, ka mate 'I die, I die,
Team: Ka ora' Ka ora' 'I live, 'I live,
Leader: Ka mate, ka mate 'I die, 'I die
Team: Ka ora Ka ora " 'I live, 'I live,
All: Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru This is the fierce, powerful man
Nāna i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā ...Who caused the sun to shine again for me
A Upane! Ka Upane! Up the ladder, Up the ladder
Upane Kaupane" Up to the top
Whiti te rā,! The sun shines!
Hī! Rise!

Music & Silence

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music." Aldous Huxley

I've been meaning to post on music for awhile. I don't play much myself, just some fiddle tunes and an odd piece or two from classical or neoclassical music. However, several good pieces on music can be had. Spengler (Daniel Goldman) wrote a piece on Augustine, Time & Eternity, & Music for First Things (now archived), and OneCosmosBlogspot had some meditations on music last Fall (09). I'll try to post excerpts or links at some point. In any event, the consensus (and this is a thought that had occurred to me a while back in a nude form) seems to be that music evokes (literally) as if by magic the presence of eternity and allows us (for a moment) to hear that which is invisible to the eye. Music allows one to see God. At least, in a form analogous to the actual seeing of God with the inner, third eye, or the virtual seeing of God with the eyes of faith. Music may be the highest actual form of "Platonism for the masses" (credit to Joel Dietz for that thought in embryo). Music allows us to truly aspire to God, in a purity denied to the other senses. There is Mahler's Resurrection Symphony, Bach's Messe H-Molle, and many, many other pieces of music that summon portals into the precincts of heaven, which give one the sense of looking in.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Secret Library of Dr. Honigsberger

by Mircea Eliade

In exchange, apart from Fabre d'Olivet and Rudolf Steiner, apart from Stanislas de Guaita and Hartmann, the library was extremely rich in the classics of occultism, Hermetism, and traditional theosophy. Old editions of Swedenborg, Paracelsus, Cornelius Agrippa, Boehme, Della Riviera, and Pernety stood beside the works attributed to Pythagoras, the hermetic texts, the collections of the famous alchemists, both in the old printings of Salmon and Manget and in the modern edition of Berthelot. Also present were the forgotten books of physiognomy, astrology, and chiromancy.

"Later, when I had the opportunity to take my time to research those shelves, I discovered extremely rare works, such as De aquae vitae simplici et composito by Arnaud de Villeneuve, or Christian apocrypha, like for instance that Adam and Eve which Strindberg had so long pursued in his quest. One could say that a secure thought and a precise target had urged Dr. Zerlendi to collect this rich occult library. As I realized step by step, no important author, no significant book was missing. Undoubtedly, the doctor had not just looked for superficial information, to assimilate the basic issues of the occultist doctrine and terminology, in order to write with a certain degree of competence the biography of Honigberger he was preparing. His books proved to me he wanted to see for himself the truth kept so well hidden in the hermetic tradition. Otherwise, it would have been useless to read Agrippa von Nettesheim and the Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa."

"It was difficult for me to answer. I suspected what kind of explanations the old lady wanted from me, and I did not know whether I could ever reveal such things to her. The cases of "apparent death," Yogic trance, levitation, incombustibility, or invisibility Honigberger referred to, and which Dr. Zerlendi had studied in-depth, are very hard to explain to someone who does not theoretically understand the possibility of their occurrence."

"Adau vada asit, sa cha vada ishvarabhimukha asit, sa cha vada ishvara asit!"

"I had never imagined, though, that one can go so far and with such little relative effort. Because only after you acquire the first powers and the veils that cover your eyes fall suddenly, do you comprehend the extent of people's ignorance and the painful illusion that deceives them every day, to the threshold of their death. The will and energy man consumes to satisfy his social ambition or scientific vanity are perhaps even stronger than what is required in order to achieve this extraordinary thing: your own salvation from pettiness, ignorance, and pain."

Astonishing as these experiences may be, Dr. Zerlendi did not think they were all that important. "You can reach the same result even without stern asceticism, but only by a maximum mental focus. Although I am perfectly aware of the fact that modern men are no longer capable of such a mental effort. They are dissipated or in a continuous state of evanescence.

"Asceticism is useful not to acquire these powers, but to keep you from falling prey to them. The exploration of the unknown states of consciousness can tempt you so much, that you run the risk of wasting your life without reaching the end. It is a new world, but it is still a world. If you are content just to explore it, without seeking to transcend it – the way you have tried to transcend the states of wakefulness – it is as though you learned a new language and you took up reading all the books written in that language, but, because of that, you gave up learning other languages."

"However, it was ordained for me never to penetrate it, but, rather, to hold it in my melancholies until my death –"

"For the first time, I was able to personally check egression out of time. Because, although my spirit remained active, my body no longer participated in the flow of time. Before I provoked my trance I shaved, and, thirty-six hours later, my cheek was as smooth as the moment I fell into my trance. It was a natural thing to happen. Because man experiences time through his respiratory rhythm. With any man, several seconds are spent between inhaling and exhaling; life coincides in man with time."

"The most difficult thing, better put, the impossible thing to achieve now in the West is an impersonal consciousness. These past centuries, only a few mystics have achieved such a consciousness. All the difficulties that modern man faces post-mortem, all the infernos and purgatories where we are told the spirits of the dead are tormented are caused precisely by this incapacity to achieve an impersonal consciousness while still alive. The drama of the soul after death and the atrocious purifications it goes through are nothing but the stages of the painful passage from the personal to the impersonal consciousness –"

"Actually, in the world of myths, we find that those who have "fallen" to the lowest depths are the ones who had managed to come closest to the Divine. The vanity of Lucifer, too, is a form of the obscure forces you unleash through your own progress, and which finally succeed in crushing you."


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Again the AEsir meet
on Idha-plain,
and speak of the mighty
and again remember
the mighty World-doom
and Fimbultyr"s(Odhinn's)
elder runes.

The Voluspa